We took these yesterday. So this is me at 20 weeks. You are not allowed to put comments up about how big I look - because I already know! And it that more and more people have to remind me about how big I am. It doesn't bother me nearly as much these days. I've learned to ignore more of the obnoxious comments I hear from others. But you guys still aren't allowed to put that comment on my blog! HA!

This is me expressing my sentimental feelings toward pregnancy. Blah. Ha ha! I'm so terrible.
I really am excited about the baby, I promise. Just not the pregnancy part. It scares me on a regular basis to see what my body is capable of doing in regards to being pregnant. I will not explain any further than that, simply because if I did explain, women who have yet to become pregnant, would suddenly become terrified and no longer be willing to give birth to a child. And those who are in the earlier stages of their first pregnancy would become terrified of what may lie ahead for them in the next several months - I will allow them to discover these things as they come along.
I am finally half-way through my pregnancy! Hooray! I'm so happy about this. Half-way there. I felt like I would never get to this point. It seems that time has progressed so slowly since I have become pregnant, and yet in some ways it has gone by quickly. But I wouldn't be sad if time would fly by a little faster. I want this child out of me - but of course healthy and fully developed.
I am still exercising - walking and yoga. Some weeks more frequent than others. And since my appetite has increased, I've been eating more healthy foods than I ever have in my life. I avoid frozen foods, canned foods, mostly cook lean and low fat meals (not always), and eat fruit and vegetables, cheese, yogurt, and eggs for snacks. (yes, I really do eat eggs for a snack. lol.) I aim to only eat sugar (like the dessert kind of sugars) 2 - 3 times a week (doesn't always happen, but I'm usually successful). I have to admit, despite pregnancy, I feel really really healthy - physically and mentally. It's a good feeling. My main motivation behind doing this (other than keeping my baby healthy) is the fact that I know I can't work off my extra weight until the baby comes out - so I want to make sure I eat healthier, because it healthier foods stay in your system longer than foods like chips and soda - which in turn causes you to eat less. Ok enough of this subject.
This Thanksgiving will be my first Thanksgiving spent with my in-laws. For various reasons in the past, we have been unable to spend it with Joel's parents. I will be making Parmesean Breaksticks, Mashed Potatoes, and Cranberry Cheescake to share for Thanksgiving dinner. I'm really excited about the cheesecake. Ha ha. You know, I'm a little sad about missing Thanksgiving dinner with my parents this year. I've only missed it one other time in my life - and that was during college. It was so sad. I missed all of our made-from-nearly-scratch foods that were a vital part of our meal (the mashed potatoes, the green bean casserole, the home made pies and desserts). I think that I will miss those same things this year when we spend it with my in-laws. But you know what? Marriage is about compromise. And this is part of it. Sharing holidays is part of compromise. And that is what I intend to do.
1 comment:
Okay - so..you really don't look big ...your feet just look incredibly tiny...ha ha ha - love ya -Dee
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