So Here's My Life

The things we make,
the food we eat and
the shenanigans in between.

A blog about making things by

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

30 Colorful Desserts to Make For Spring.

My camera still isn't ready yet. I'm working hard on staying patient - but I think I am going to explode! I have so many ideas for projects and no camera to document the process. Super antsy right now. So instead I am going to share an awesome collection of colorful desserts to make throughout the Spring season. Or Summer. Or Fall. Or whenever else you may feel inspired to make beautiful food...because seriously, these desserts look so amazing, you aren't going to want to limit yourself to making them during one specific season!

The real question is, which one do you want to make first??? 


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing my rainbow pretzels among this great company! This posts makes me hungry!

Unknown said...

Laurie, you are so welcome! It's such a fun idea! :) (This post makes me hungry too!!! )